Why Study at Ecological Restoration at Montana Tech? 

恢复证书具有跨学科的方法,其结构是补充和几个科学和工程学位课程之间的桥梁, 并为毕业生提供众多职业道路,以满足当地不断增长的需求, throughout Montana, nationally, and globally. 这个项目是在全国最大的活跃超级基金站点的中心提供的, 让学生有机会进入世界上最大的生态恢复生活实验室之一.


Award-Winning Faculty 

生态恢复系积极参与广泛的研究项目, 为研究生提供独特的参与机会,通过进行独立调查或协助教师. Be mentored by our outstanding faculty. 

Spectacular Location 

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院在Butte的位置为您提供了许多娱乐机会, such as hiking and fishing. Butte is centrally located in Montana, giving you access to internships in Bozeman, Helena, and Missoula.

Montana Tech Native-Plant Restoration Project 

In January of 2013, 州长施韦策批准了由当地公民委员会制定的巴特一区修复计划, the Butte Natural Resource Damage Restoration Council. The restoration plan allocated $1,000,在未来八年内,向蒙大拿州理工学院提供6000美元的自然资源损害赔偿基金,用于在比特山的山顶上发展可持续的植物群落. 该项目的灵感来自于联邦和州的法规,即用本地植物恢复受干扰的景观. 该项目的目标是增加本地植物的多样性,使其包括75%的植物, which are wildflowers, 到巴特山上可持续发展的“原生植物散布岛”.

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Professor Robert Pal Restores Butte
Montana Tech's Associate Professor of Biological Sciences, Robert Pal, discusses ecological restoration in Butte.

What Is Ecological Restoration? 


What Kinds of Jobs Do Ecological Restoration Graduates Get? 

今天的行业寻求具有采矿,能源,运输和生产专业知识的毕业生. 懂得如何以可持续的方式设计和实施这些活动的人, 成本效益的方式,最大限度地减少长期的环境破坏和相关的清理, reclamation, and restoration costs are highly sought after.

Explore Classes in Ecological Restoration 

学生将学习景观/生态系统恢复,以及如何规划工业活动以避免长期的生态破坏. They engage in restoring damaged landscapes; learning about permitting and site engineering; and how to reestablish, monitor, and maintain native vegetation. 

Learn More About Ecological Restoration
Biology Department

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Catalog Details


Restoration, M.S.


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Connect with us.

We can answer your questions and help you get started.

Dr. Robert Pal
Associate Professor, Director of Restoration
(406) 496-4725